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Our team is important to us and you are part of it. Communication and sharing are essential in our business. Contact us and tell us about yourself.

Curious to know more about what we offer, got a project to carry out or a problem to be solved? You’re looking for the innovative solution to help you succeed and the ideal partner to help you manage the automation of your processes. You’ve come to the right place. We’re looking forward to it already.

Contact-us :

    Hello, my first and last name are . I’m looking for a partner for a project at my company for this sector . Here are my email and my phone number to discuss and get initial answers to my questions for .


    145 rue Louis Barran
    38430 Saint Jean de Moirans

    +33 (0)4 76 93 79 90


    13 bis Avenue Albert Einstein
    69100 Villeurbanne

    +33 (0)4 76 93 79 90


    12 rue Michel Labrousse
    Technoparc de Basso Combo
    31300 Toulouse

    +33 (0)4 76 93 79 90

    a last question ...

    We opt for agile communication. This means that we adapt to your way of working and your tools. From our first project meeting, we determine together the most suitable and effective means for us to communicate as your project progresses. And of course, you are completely free to change your mind or adapt our communication channels.  Telephone, email, collaborative messaging, video calls, meetings, discussions over coffee or a meal… 

    Every day, once a week, twice a month. No. Project management is above all risk management. The frequency will match the risk level for more agility and a better understanding of the situation, with collaboration and transparency at the heart  of this risk management.

    We have two main project management methods with some variations.

    1. We apply the classic V-Model lifecycle with a design and test phase followed by general implementation
    2. The agile method with a series of micro roll-outs staggered over time with a faster impact on investment after each phase.

    Ultimately it’s the situation that determines which is chosen. Then there are different longer-term projects with scalable maintenance (TPAM), maintenance in operational conditions (MOC) or being on-call 24/7… Put your problem to us!

    After that, we keep going. With A&I, it’s never really over. We remain available should you have any questions or need advice. We deal with any requests you have, and hear what you’re up to if you don’t!

    We want to be there when you need us without being intrusive so tell us everything; no worries, we just want to continuously improve.

    A client recently told us that he was not sufficiently involved during the phase of incorporating the solutions provided. Firstly, thanks to him for telling us; it’s now been fixed.

    To make sure that this does not happen again, we have put in place satisfaction questionnaires at every phase of project implementation to get regular feedback from you, even after a project has been completed.

    We have been MASE-certified since 2014 and all A&I employees benefit from prevention training when they start at the company, with employee audits after that as a reminder.

    This training makes them aware of the risks they run, particularly during installation on site, but also encourages them to position themselves as a ‘risk preventer’, i.e. someone who raises an alert if they witness a health, safety and/or environmental hazard.

    In 2020, our project instruction sheet was modified numerous times to take into account new risks, in particular all measures related to dealing with coronavirus.

    A&I provides its employees with personal protection that complies with safety standards and all of our employees are up to date with their electrical and other accreditations.

    C'est ton offre !

      C'est parti !

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